Policy and agreements

Before starting to work with the site and filling in any data on the site https://phdays.com / please read this agreement. Using any services, functions and features provided on the website https://phdays.com /, you agree to all the terms of this agreement.


1.1. This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") Joint Stock Company "Positive Technologies" (hereinafter – the "Company") defines the procedure and conditions for using the website on the Internet, located at https://phdays.com / (next – The "Site") by individuals who are fully legally capable (capable) in accordance with applicable law (including, as applicable, those who have reached the age of 18 (eighteen) years and have all the necessary powers (consents, permits) to conclude (accept) and execute the Agreement), who have accepted this Agreement in accordance with section 1 of the Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "Users"). The Website was created to provide information about events held by the Company under the brand Positive Hack Days (hereinafter referred to as the "Forum"). The dates, location and other conditions of the Forum are indicated on the Website.

1.2. The use of the Site is possible only if the User has previously familiarized himself with all the rules of the Site, including this Agreement, and accepted this Agreement.

1.3. This Agreement is a public offer (Articles 435, 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) addressed by the Company to an unlimited number of Users, and defines the conditions under which the Company provides the User with access to the Site and the possibility of using it (for familiarization with information posted on the Site, using the Site's functionality, issuing tickets to attend the Forum). This Agreement becomes effective from the moment the User performs the actions provided for in clause 1.4 of the Agreement, which means that he unconditionally accepts all the terms of the Agreement without any exceptions or restrictions, on the terms of accession.

1.4. The complete and unconditional acceptance of this Agreement, without any exceptions or restrictions, on the terms of accession, is the User performing any of the following actions:

1.4.1. User registration of a personal account on the Website;

1.4.2. The User's use of the Website's functionality (including viewing materials, searching the Website, sending requests through the feedback form, etc.);

1.4.3. The User's booking of a ticket to the event indicated on the Website (Forum).

1.5. The Agreement affects the legal rights and obligations of the User. In case of disagreement with the terms of this Agreement, the User is obliged to stop using the Site and its services.

1.6. Partial or selective acceptance of the Agreement is not allowed.

1.7. The User confirms that prior to using the Site, he has read this Agreement and agreed to it without any exceptions or exceptions.

1.8. The Company has the right to amend this Agreement at any time. The new version of the Agreement comes into force from the moment it is posted on the Website. The User is obliged to independently monitor (get acquainted with) the updates of the Agreement on the Website. Unless otherwise provided in the Agreement, the changes made by the Company to the Agreement do not affect the relationship between the Company and the User that arose before the effective date of such changes.

1.9. The terms of use of individual Site services by Users (access to individual parts of the Site and materials posted on the Site, obtaining special access and tickets) may be set out separately on the Site and/or in contracts (agreements) concluded by the Company with Users separately (as may be provided in accordance with the information provided on On the website)1.9. The terms of use of individual Site services by Users (access to individual parts of the Site and materials posted on the Site, obtaining special access and tickets) may be set out separately on the Site and/or in contracts (agreements) concluded by the Company with Users separately (as may be provided in accordance with the information provided on On the website). In this case, the terms of the separately stated rules (concluded contracts (agreements)) they take precedence over the terms of this Agreement (unlessIn this case, the terms of the separately stated rules(concluded contracts (agreements)) they take precedence over th terms of this Agreement (unless otherwise follows from such separate rules, agreements).

1.10. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of the Agreement and other information posted on the Site, the provisions of the Agreement shall prevail (unless otherwise specifically communicated to the User (including by posting relevant information messages on the Site)).


2.3. The Website is a collection of information, texts, materials, graphic elements, design, images, photos and videos, music, scripts, computer programs and other results of intellectual activity and other objects contained in the information system available at the Website address.

2.4. The Company does not declare that any information on the Website is completely accurate, correct or exhaustive in any respect and as of any date.

2.5. The Company, at its discretion, forms the content of the Website, modifies2.5. The Company, at its discretion, forms the content of the Website, modifies, updates the Website and its individual parts, determines the procedure for providing access to it, and offers various services based on the Website (independently and/or in cooperation with third parties). The Company reserves the right, but not the obligation, to moderate any materials and elements of the Site and does not assume responsibility for the consequences of actions performed as part of the update or moderation procedure.

2.6. The Company has the right to independently determine the forms and methods of executing the Agreement, based on the requirements of the legislation, as well as the Agreement.

2.7. The Company has the right, at its discretion, taking into account the requirements of applicable legislation and the functionality of the Site, to provide the User with access to the Site as a whole or in parts, as well as to impose restrictions on the use of the Site's services for all Users or for certain categories of Users, unless prohibited2.7. The Company has the right, at its discretion, taking into account the requirements of applicable legislation and the functionality of the Site, to provide the User with access to the Site as a whole or in parts, as well as to impose restrictions on the use of the Site's services for all Users or for certain categories of Users, unless prohibited by applicable law. A description of the functional and other features of the Site, as well as the results of their use, is contained on the Site and/or provided upon User requests.

2.8. The Company has the right, without any consent or notification from the User, to involve third parties to fulfill the Agreement and ensure access to and maintenance of the Site, while remaining responsible to Users for the actions of such third parties. By accepting the Agreement, the User expresses his unconditional and irrevocable consent to the involvement of such persons.


3.3. The Website has an open (accessible to all Users) and a closed (accessible only to registered Users) part. The volume and content of the open and closed parts of the Site may change from time to time and is determined by the Company.

3.4. In order to access certain sections and services of the Site (in particular, to place an order and receive a ticket to the Forum),3.4. In order to access certain sections and services of the Site (in particular, to place an order and receive a ticket to the Forum), the User must complete the registration procedure on the Site, during which a unique User account is created for the Site, and the User gets access to the User's personal account on the Site (hereinafter referred to as "Personal account").

3.5. When filling out registration and other forms and performing any actions on the Site, the User is obliged to provide reliable and sufficient information on the issu3.5. When filling out registration and other forms and performing any actions on the Site, the Userliged to provide reliable and sufficient information on the issues proposed on the Site. The User is prohibited from impersonating another person (including providing personal data to third parties) or a representative of an organization that the User is not, or otherwise misleading the Company when using the Site and its services. All actions on the Site performed on behalf of the User are considered to be performed by the User himself.

3.6. The User's personal information is processed in accordance with the provisions of the privacy policy developed and approved by the Company in accordance with Federal Law No. 152-FZ dated 27.07.2006 "On Personal Data" posted on the Website (hereinafter referred to as the "Privacy Policy"). The Privacy Policy is an integral part of this Agreement and by accepting the Agreement, the User agrees to the terms of the Privacy Policy.

3.7. If the User provides false information or if the Company has grounds to believe that the information provided is unreliable, the Company has the right to block or delete the User's Personal Account and/or refuse the User to use the Site.

3.8. The User is obliged to keep the information about himself provided to the Company up to date. The Company is not responsible for the User's late updating of information about himself.

3.9. The User's registration of a Personal Account on the Website is carried out using information systems and computer programs on the Website that meet the mandatory requirements, using a username and password set by the User (the User is responsible for the safety of which). The Company does not authorize Users using mail or other third-party services (at the same time, the Company may request an email address during the registration of a Personal Account to ensure communication with the User and send the necessary messages to the User to ensure access to the Site and its services). The Company is not responsible for unauthorized use of the User's username and password by third parties.

3.10. In accordance with applicable law, the Company may be forced to provide (or, conversely, restrict) the possibility of User authorization and registration using certain methods and systems, which does not constitute a restriction (infringement) of User rights.

3.11. If, during the use of the Site, the User transfers personal data of third parties to the Company, as well as other data whose confidentiality is protected in accordance with the law and/or separate agreements (agreements), the obligation to obtain all necessary consents and permits of the relevant subjects in accordance with applicable law, as well as responsibility for non-receipt (untimely and/or improper receipt) of such consents and permissions is the responsibility of the User.

3.12. The User is obliged to immediately inform the Company of all known cases of compromise of his login/ password or other data and/or unauthorized access to his Personal Account using the User's login and password. Until such notification is received, all actions on the Site performed using the User's username and password will be considered committed by the User himself. 3.13. The Company has the right to block or delete the User's Personal Account, as well as prohibit access to certain Site services in case of violation (non-compliance) by the User of this Agreement or receipt of a notification from the User in accordance with clause 3.12 of the Agreement, as well as in case the Company receives a reasoned complaint (other treatment) from third parties in connection with the violation. By the User of the norms of the current legislation, or the legally protected rights of third parties.


4.3. The User gets access to the Website in accordance with its functionality on the terms established by this Agreement, unless otherwise is explicitly stated on the Website or in the relevant contracts and agreements concluded between the Company and the User.

4.4. All Users have unlimited access to the public (open) part of the Website. Registration of tickets for the Forum is possible only for Users who have a Personal Account on the Website.

4.5. The Personal Account contains the User's personal information provided to the Company, as well as information about the possibility of issuing a ticket to attend the Forum, and in the case of an order and registration, the ticket itself.

4.6. The User does not have the right to transfer access and the right to use his Personal Account to third parties. The Personal Account can be used in accordance with its functional purpose exclusively by the User.

4.7. The User is prohibited from disrupting the normal operation of the Site, uploading, sending, transmitting or in any other way distributing materials containing viruses or other computer codes, files, programs designed to disrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of the Site or to carry out unauthorized access to the Site, or others that violate the Agreement and/or applicable law, as well as attempts to check the vulnerability of any security systems of the Company and its affiliates. The User is prohibited from collecting and storing information about other Users manually or automatically, or attempting to interfere with the use of the Site by other Users. The User is prohibited from making any changes (additions) to the Site (including any of its parts and elements, including computer programs, materials posted on it, presentation settings, etc.), except in cases where, as expressly provided in accordance with the Agreement and the functionality of the Site, the User is required (to the User directly given the appropriate opportunity) to provide any data and information. The User is prohibited from using information about phone numbers, postal addresses, and e-mail addresses indicated on the Site or accessible through (as a result of using) the Site to send spam, commercial and non-commercial messages that are not related to the fulfillment of the Agreement.

4.8. Using the functionality of the Personal Account, the User can place an Order for a Ticket to attend the Forum. In this case, "Order" means a Buyer's request to participate in the Forum and receive a Ticket, duly executed using the Website, and "Ticket" means an entry in the Website's accounting system, which is used as confirmation of the Buyer's right to attend the Forum on the terms specified on the Website. The Buyer cannot receive more than one Ticket. The Ticket is provided to the Buyer in the form of an electronic document containing the essential terms of the Order. The Ticket is issued for the User who placed the Order and performed all the necessary actions (clause 4.10 of the Agreement), is unique and cannot be transferred by the User to a third party. The Company has the right to refuse to visit the Forum to a person who is not a User who has issued a corresponding Ticket. The User is solely responsible for the safety and protection of the Ticket from copying. The Company is not responsible for the consequences of copying the Ticket. The number of Tickets available to receive, as well as the possibility of receiving them, may be limited at any time at the discretion of the Company.

4.9. To place an Order, the Buyer must perform all the actions specified in the Personal Account (including, as applicable, fill in the data, confirm their correctness and the desire to place an order by clicking the "Continue", "Donate", or other similar button on the corresponding Website page). The Buyer assumes full responsibility and risks associated with the Order. The Buyer is solely responsible for any problems that arise during the process of placing, confirming and sending the Order. The Company is not responsible for any damage caused as a result of the problem, including in connection with the unsuccessful completion or confirmation of any operation or action on the Site or other sites.

4.10. The User has the right to receive a Ticket to visit the Forum, provided that all of the following requirements are met:

4.10.1. The User complies with the requirements specified in clause 1.1 of the Agreement;

4.10.2. The User has a Personal Account on the Website;

4.10.3. The User has completed all the actions specified in the Personal Account necessary to receive the Ticket, namely, placed the appropriate Order, and

4.10.4. The User has made a one-time, voluntary, unconditional donation to charity in respect of one of the following funds: (1) Podari Zhizni Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Children with Oncohematological and Other Serious Diseases (121351, Moscow, ext. ter. Kuntsevo, Molodogvardeyskaya str., 59, building 3, room. I, room 1, OGRN: 1067799030639) (2) Charitable Foundation for the Elderly and the Disabled "Old Age is a joy" (4-10 Sadovaya-Triumfalnaya str., Moscow, 127006, OGRN:1117799022516), (3) St. Petersburg Charitable Public Organization for Children and Adolescents "MIRA STREET" (197375, St. Petersburg, ext. ter., Kolomyagi Municipal District, Verbnaya str., 12, room 1, Letter A, 79, OGRN: 1047831004540.
(hereinafter referred to as the "Fund") in accordance with the terms and conditions determined by the relevant Foundation to which the donation is made, by using the appropriate functionality on the Foundation's Website, a link to which is available in the Personal Account when placing an Order, for any amount at the discretion of the User, but (for the purpose of obtaining a Ticket) not less than 1,500 (one thousand five hundred) rubles of the Russian Federation. Other conditions for obtaining Tickets can be indicated on the corresponding page of the Website dedicated to the Forum.

4.11. If the User has not fulfilled all the requirements specified in clause 4.10 of the Agreement, he will not receive a Ticket to visit the Forum. The Company has the right to refuse the Buyer to place an Order and receive a Ticket without giving reasons. The Company has the right to verify the data provided by the User according to its criteria. The User is informed about the status of the Order and the registration (provision) of the Ticket in his Personal Account.

4.12. Donations to the Fund are transferred by the User voluntarily, at his own discretion, in accordance with the rules of the Fund and agreements concluded by the User directly with the Fund. The Company is not an intermediary (agent, payment agent, contractor) in the relationship between the Fund and the User. The Foundation and the Company are independent entities, do not provide each other with any services under the Agreement, do not execute orders, and do not share Users' personal data with each other. The Company and the Foundation can only exchange anonymized identifiers for Orders (without transferring any personal data of Users, including anonymized ones). The User, at his discretion, gives the Foundation consent to the processing of data, which the User independently transmits to the Foundation (as may be applicable).

4.13. In order to receive a Ticket, a donation must be made on a special website (website page) of the Foundation, a link to which is available in the Personal Account when placing an Order (and donations made in any other way are not counted for the provision of the Ticket). To receive a Ticket, a donation must be made in the amount of at least 1,500 (one thousand five hundred) rubles of the Russian Federation, as a one-time payment (several donations totaling 1,500 (one thousand five hundred) rubles of the Russian Federation are not counted for the provision of a Ticket). To receive a Ticket, the donation must be completed successfully (incomplete donation operations are not counted for Ticket provision).

4.14. A Ticket is generated and sent to the User, provided that he performs all the actions specified in clause 4.10 of the Agreement by posting it in his Personal Account (with the possibility of downloading to the User's device). The Ticket is available to the User in his Personal Account during the period from the date of its registration to the date specified in his Personal Account. Upon a separate request from the User, the Ticket can also be sent to him by e-mail.

4.15. For the avoidance of doubt, the Company does not sell (or otherwise transfer for a fee or any counter representation in any form in favor of the Company itself or third parties) Tickets on the Site and this Agreement is not a contract of sale, barter, paid provision of Ticket sales services or other similar. Nevertheless, certain goods, services, services, and accesses in relation to the Forum (related to participation in and visiting the Forum) may be provided by the Company or third parties on a reimbursable basis, based on separate agreements and agreements, and nothing in this Agreement excludes the availability or offer of such goods, services, accesses, and the provision of any services to the User. services, other than those directly specified in the Agreement, on a reimbursable basis.

4.16. The Company does not determine or control the possibility, as well as the ways and means for making donations to the Fund. For all questions and problems related to the implementation of such donations, the User must contact the Foundation directly using the details provided by the Foundation. The Company does not receive (from either the User or the Fund) or store any information about the Users' means of payment. All expenses related to making donations to the Foundation (including applicable fees, bank fees and other fees) are borne by the User himself. Such expenses are not taken into account for the purposes of determining the donation amount (clause 4.10.4 of the Agreement).

4.17. Access to the Website, Personal Account, Ticket in the Personal Account may be limited in time. The period for which the User is granted access to certain services and materials is determined in accordance with the information provided on the Website.

4.18. Failure by the User to use the accesses, services and materials provided to him (including failure to use a Ticket to visit the Forum), failure by him to access his Personal Account (for reasons depending on the User), non-compliance of the Site (Ticket, Forum) with the User's expectations, are not grounds for the User to make any claims against the Company, payment of any-any compensation (including for donations made by the User), and do not imply, that the Company has not executed the Agreement (or that it has been executed improperly or incompletely by the Company).

4.19. The Company has the right to show the User and send messages of an advertising and informational nature to the User (including to the email address specified by the User), provided that the corresponding separate consent is provided, as provided for in the Privacy Policy, which is considered the User's consent to receive advertising, issued in accordance with clause 1 of Article 18 of the Federal Law of 13.03.2006 № 38-FZ "On Advertising". The User has the right to refuse to receive such messages at any time.

4.20. For any issues related to the use of the Website, registration of a Personal Account, placing Orders, receiving and using Tickets, Users are provided with technical support (including telephone and electronic consultations) on the terms determined by the Company and specified on the Website and in the Agreement. The Company has the right to involve a third party to provide such support – LLC "Ruvents" (OGRN 1147746160320, 123557, Moscow, Presnensky Val str., 27, p. 2, fl. 2, room. IV, com.) and the User hereby agrees to involve the specified third party to provide such support.

4.21. The Company has the right to consider User requests sent in connection with the conclusion, execution of the Agreement, and use of the Site within 10 (ten) business days from the date of their receipt. The Company is not obligated to consider and respond to anonymous requests; requests received using details other than those indicated on the Website; requests that do not contain the substance of the issue (suggestions, comments); requests that do not relate to the subject of the Agreement. The Company has the right to request additional data and materials from the User on requests.

4.22. The decision on using the Website, placing an Order, receiving and using a Ticket is made by the Buyer independently, based on the information provided on the Website. The Buyer undertakes to familiarize himself with the content, conditions of attendance and the procedure for holding the Forum, as well as with additional requirements imposed by the Company, without fail, before placing an Order. If the Buyer does not fully understand any of the terms of use of the Site, placing an Order and receiving a Ticket, or visiting the Forum, the Buyer must clarify these terms, and if it is impossible to clarify, refuse to take appropriate actions.

4.23. Access to the Site, the opportunity to use the Site and its services and elements in accordance with the Agreement, is provided to the User free of charge (no remuneration is paid to the Company).


5.3. All objects that make up the Site and/or are accessible through the Site, including, without limitation, information, texts, materials, graphic elements, design, images, photos and videos, music, scripts, computer programs, services, and other intellectual property results and means of individualization protected in accordance with applicable law. (hereinafter referred to as "IP Objects"), are intellectual property objects protected in accordance with applicable law, the rights to which belong to the Company or other copyright holders.

5.4. The use of the Site in general and any IP Objects in particular is allowed only for personal, non-commercial purposes and only by using the functionality of the Site (the corresponding IP Objects) directly on the Site, and in relation to the Ticket – exclusively for its intended use (to visit the Forum), subject to the User's compliance with all the conditions and limits provided for in the Agreement, without the right to transfer them (the rights to use them) to third parties, only within the time limits set by the Company (in the Agreement, on the Website or indicated in the Ticket, as applicable) and only on territories of the Russian Federation.

5.5. Any use of IP Objects in a manner other than that provided for by the Website's functionality and the Agreement, including their (their parts and elements) reproduction (copying), any distribution, public disclosure and/or public display/performance, modification, processing, addition, creation of derivative and composite works, as well as other use thus, including for carrying out any commercial activity (in order to make a profit), the granting of rights of use to third parties or the provision of services (works) to third parties on their basis or with their use (both on a paid basis and free of charge) is not allowed without the prior written permission of the Company. The responsibility provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation is applied for the unauthorized use of IP Objects.

5.6. The User is prohibited from studying, investigating, or testing the functioning of the software components of the Site in order to determine the algorithm of its operation and its components, decompiling and disassembling any of their components, or otherwise attempting to obtain the source code of the software components of the Site or any part thereof. Any information and data obtained by the User during or in connection with the use of the Site: (i) should not be used to create software or other objects substantially similar to the Site or for other purposes that violate the rights of the Company or the copyright holders of IP Objects, (ii) should not be disclosed to third parties.

5.7. The User has the right to download (copy) Transfer the ticket to your device and store it on it for personal, non-commercial purposes (visiting the Forum), without the right to copy it further and without the right to transfer it to third parties (including without the right to publish, post on the Internet and on resources accessible to third parties), as well as without the right to make any changes to it.

5.8. In order to prevent/suppress unauthorized use of IP Objects, the Company has the right to use any technical means of protection - technologies, technical devices or their components that control access to them, prevent or restrict the implementation of unauthorized actions.

5.9. If, in accordance with the Website's functionality, the User is able to provide (upload, post) any materials and data on the Website (in his Personal Account), the User grants the Company the right, under the terms of a simple (non-exclusive) license, to use them in any legal way and for any legitimate purpose, throughout the territory and for the entire period actions of exclusive rights to such objects and materials, without payment of remuneration to the User. At the same time, any such materials and data must be obtained by the User legally, and their transfer by the User to the Company must not violate the Agreement, as well as applicable legislation, as well as moral standards. The User is solely responsible to third parties (as well as to the Company) in case of violation of the rights of third parties (as well as applicable legislation) in connection with the use, including the provision (download) of such materials and data.

5.10. For the avoidance of doubt, the Company does not grant the User any rights with respect to any trademarks and other means of identification owned by the Company and/or posted on the Website. The User is not entitled to make any announcements, messages, notices and other public statements related directly or indirectly to the Company, its affiliates, employees and employees of its subsidiaries, the Forum, or the Site without obtaining the Company's separate prior written consent, unless otherwise permitted by the Company, insofar as such prohibition does not violate applicable law.


6.3. The User uses the Website at his own risk. The Website and its services are provided to the User "as is".

6.4. The Company does not guarantee that: (a) The Website and its services, their quality will meet any requirements or expectations of the User; (b) access to the Site and its services will be provided continuously, quickly, reliably and error-free.; (c) the safety of the information posted on the Website will be ensured (with the exception of obligations to ensure the confidentiality of the User's personal data in accordance with the Privacy Policy); (d) the materials and information of the Website are current, accurate, reliable, exhaustive in any respect at the time of their viewing by the User or at any other time.

6.5. The Website or its elements may be partially or completely unavailable from time to time due to preventive or other work that ensures the normal functioning of the Website. The Company is not obligated to notify Users in advance about such work.

6.6. The Website does not contain and does not provide instructions or recommendations for performing any actions, making decisions, or carrying out any activity. The User uses the information from the Website at his own risk and is solely responsible for the possible consequences of its use. By registering a Personal Account, placing an Order and receiving a Ticket, the User confirms that he understands and accepts the terms of visiting the Forum indicated on the Website.

6.7. The Company, unless otherwise specified, assumes that no materials and/or information posted on the Site violate the legitimate rights and interests of third parties. If it is determined that the posting of any materials/information on the Site violates the legitimate rights and interests of third parties, such materials/information will be removed from the Site at the first request of the person whose legitimate rights and interests have been violated and in other cases, as provided for in accordance with applicable law.

6.8. The Company is not responsible for any damage that may be caused to the User as a result of using the Site, including data loss, infection of a computer or other equipment with a computer virus, losses resulting from the installation of malware, phishing, fraud and other types of malicious and illegal activities of third parties on the Internet.

6.9. The Company is responsible for advertising posted on the Website, if any, within the limits established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.10. The Website may contain links to third-party websites on the Internet. These links do not constitute a recommendation or endorsement by the Company of these sites or products and works, services, or features offered on such sites. The persons who own such sites and their content are not checked by the Company. The Company is not responsible for the information and materials posted on third-party sites that the User accesses through the Site, as well as for the availability of such sites, content, advertising content, opinions and statements on these sites and the consequences of their use by the User.

6.11. The User accepts and agrees that under no circumstances should the Company be responsible for the loss and/or dissemination of data if such loss and/or dissemination resulted from actions caused by the fault or negligence of the User himself or third parties.

6.12. The Company is not responsible for any actions and/or omissions of third parties, the proper functioning of services, networks, software or equipment of third parties.

6.13. The Company's liability under the Agreement is limited to 10,000 (ten thousand) rubles for all cases of possible violations by the Company.

6.14. In the event that the Company submits claims, demands and (or) claims for violation of the rights of third parties related to the User's violation of the Agreement or applicable legislation in connection with the execution of the Agreement, the User is obliged to settle them and compensate the Company for losses incurred in connection with their receipt.

6.15. The Company is not responsible in case of direct or indirect financial or other losses caused by temporary interruptions in the operation of the Site, including for the following reasons: planned or unplanned technical and preventive work, technical failures of Internet service providers, computer networks, servers and facilities, as well as illegal actions of third parties, intentional, unintentional (including careless) actions of the User himself or his authorized persons.

6.16. The limitation of liability provided for in the Agreement must be applied to the maximum extent permitted by law. The limitation of liability provided for in the Agreement does not apply exclusively in cases where any specific provision of the limitation of liability is expressly prohibited by the mandatory provisions of the law.


7.3. This Agreement is governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.

7.4. This Agreement for the User and the Company comes into force from the date of acceptance of the Agreement by the User and terminates after the Company and the User fulfill their obligations under it.

7.5. All disputes, disagreements and claims that may arise in connection with the use of the Site are subject to settlement in a claim procedure (unless applicable law provides that the User is not obliged to comply with a claim (pre-trial) procedure). The claim review period is 10 business days from the date of receipt of the claim by the addressee. The dispute, which is not resolved in a pre-trial procedure, is referred to the authorized state court of the Russian Federation at the location of the Company.

7.6. The User is not entitled to transfer any rights or obligations arising from the Agreement to third parties without obtaining the prior consent of the Company.

7.7. The documents and information drawn up and transmitted by the Company and the User pursuant to this Agreement, as well as information about each other's financial, economic or other activities that have become known to them in connection with this Agreement, are confidential information and the Company and the User have agreed to take all necessary measures to prevent the transfer (disclosure) of such information. confidential information of each other to third parties without the prior written consent of the party that provided it, except in the following cases:, provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the Agreement. The confidentiality conditions set out in this paragraph are valid for the entire term of the Agreement and 5 (five) years after its termination (unless a longer period is prescribed by law).

7.8. Due to the fact that access to the Website and its services is provided free of charge, the provisions of consumer protection legislation do not apply to the Agreement and the relationship between the Company and the User.

7.9. Inaction on the part of the Company in the event of a violation by the User of the Agreement does not deprive the Company of the right to take appropriate actions to protect its interests later, nor does it mean that the Company waives this right if the User commits similar violations in the future.

7.10. Neither the Company nor the User is responsible for non-fulfillment of any of their obligations if they prove that such non-fulfillment was caused by circumstances of force majeure, that is, events or circumstances beyond their control that occurred after the conclusion of the Agreement, having an unforeseen and unavoidable nature. From the moment of occurrence of force majeure circumstances, the Agreement is suspended until a time to be determined separately. At the same time, the occurrence of force majeure circumstances does not release from the proper fulfillment of obligations that arose before their occurrence.

7.11. In the event of the User's refusal from the Agreement (use, access to the Site), as well as in the event of the Company's refusal from the Agreement (provision of access to the Site) with a specific User and termination of the User's access to the Site, the Company will not compensate the User for any losses, expenses, including donations.

7.12. In case of postponement of the date, time, place or format of the Forum, the terms of its holding or the content of the Forum as a whole or its individual events, as well as in case of cancellation of the Forum, the Company is also not obligated to compensate the User for any costs and losses related to the conclusion of the Agreement, including donations.

7.13. Nothing in the Agreement is a restriction (waiver of the Company's use) of the means and methods of protecting the Company's rights provided for in accordance with applicable law.

7.14. Nothing in the Agreement is intended to infringe on the rights of consumers (Users). In case of invalidity (nullity) of any condition (due to inadmissibility, violation of the rules established by international treaties of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation adopted in accordance with them regulating relations in the field of consumer protection), the relevant provision is considered excluded from the Agreement, and the consequences of its invalidity (nullity) are not apply to the remaining provisions of the Agreement.

7.15. Unless otherwise provided by the Agreement or applicable law, communication between the Company and the User under the Agreement is carried out electronically – through the exchange of electronic messages to e-mail addresses, and the Parties hereby recognize the validity of such messages sent in electronic form, and also assume the risks associated with providing them with access to relevant resources to representatives Parties. For the purposes of this Agreement, the Parties recognize the legal force of the communications sent: • By the User (as well as to his address) – the email address specified by the User during registration of the Personal Account (or subsequently in the User's Personal Account); • By the Company (as well as to its address) – the email address indicated on the Website.

7.16. The Company and the User agree that documents in electronic form signed with a simple electronic digital signature are equivalent to paper documents signed with the handwritten signature of an authorized person. In this case, an electronic signature for the purposes of signing such documents by the User is considered to be, among other things, a simple electronic signature of the User (including in the form of a login (identifier) and password (a unique sequence unknown to third parties) from the User's Personal Account or e-mail, which are unique designations, analogous to the User's handwritten signature).


Joint-Stock Company "Positive Technologies" Location address: 107061, Russian Federation, Moscow, ext. ter. MO Preobrazhenskoe, Preobrazhenskaya pl., 8, room 60 OGRN 1077761087117 INN / KPP 7718668887 / 771801001