Bruce Schneier Will Speak at PHDays


A cryptography guru, world-famous expert in information security Bruce Schneier will come to Moscow for the first time. He will take part in our forum as one of the key speakers.

Bruce Schneier is a legend in the information security world and his name means much for everyone who works in this field. Several generations of hackers have already grown up on his Applied Cryptography. Another bestseller by Bruce Schneier, Secrets and Lies, is devoted to broader issues of information security. Bruce Schneier has developed popular cryptographic algorithms Blowfish, Twofish, and Threefish and has been involved in the creation of over ten other well-known algorithms. Moreover, Bruce is one of the authors of Yarrow, a pseudo-random number generator, and Skein, a hash function. He publishes a popular Crypto-Gram newsletter and keeps a blog Schneier on Security; there are over 150 thousands readers from all over the world.

We'll keep the subject of the Bruce's speech under wraps for a while, but we're already forming a queue of those who wish to get an autograph! And we keep developing the forum program. Leading Russian and foreign experts in various information security fields will give master-classes, workshops, and speeches at PHDays. Stay tuned to know the names!

Attention! You can make a speech together with Bruce Schneier! For this opportunity, take part in CFP. We are looking forward to your abstracts!