CityF Contest: A Standoff between Hackers and Security Experts


In just two months, we will kick off Positive Hack Days VI. Our preparations are well underway with the first wave of speakers already announced and the second wave to be named soon. Additionally, we have started receiving applications for Young School.

So we are now delighted to reveal the rules of CityF: The Standoff.

This year the competition will be a little different from other years. Instead of the CTF format, there will be a full-fledged battle between hackers and security experts. Participants will be grouped into three teams — hackers, defenders, and the SOC (security operations center). The scenario is created to be as realistic as possible with a huge variety of targets to hack including a bank, mobile operator, large corporation, electric company, etc. Beside the teams, all PHDays guests and PHDays Everywhere participants are encouraged to join the battle. The goal can be reached using any means that are acceptable excluding those restricted by the rules.l.

Contact us at to get enlisted for this battle. Applications are accepted until April 10, 2016. The number of participants is limited.l.