Draw the Future: calling for comics of robots, sarcasm, math, and information security!

Artists rejoice! We're announcing the first-ever PHDays comic contest, called Draw the Future.
For several years now, PHDays has held a contest for short stories ("Hacked Future"). Did you really think that hardcore cyberpunk, steampunk in-a-top-hat, and warp-worthy science fiction had nothing more to say? We didn't think so either. But this time, instead of describing the future with words alone, we hope you'll pick up your drawing pen. Draw the world of the future: tell us a story in comic form.
The funny thing is, everyone envisions the future differently. Sometimes it's scary and shudder-inducing. For others, the (glorious?) future is already here for us, the mere sliver of humankind that has lived to experience a raft of technologies that could hardly be imagined twenty years ago. The digital world can be harsh: some people run in the other direction, while others are busy trying to profit off it. And some people, well, they sip their whiskey, gawk as the world careens into the e-singularity, and let out a belly laugh as they watch it all burn. Good times!
Draw the future, in any way you imagine it: dripping with misery, ascending towards transcendence, frightful, funny, or anything else. As long as the plot involves information technology, we're game!
Artist guidelines
- Each comic should tell a story. If it helps, here are some ideas to get you started:
- In a galaxy far, far away…
- The Internet of Good and Evil Things
- Cybercrime capers (Mr. Robot meets Futurama?*)
- Adventures of a bitcoin
- Artificial intelligence attacks
- Let your imagination run wild! This isn't an exam, there is no "right" answer. So pick the style and genre that you like and do best.If you're dead-set on smashing the competition, winning prizes, getting published in our journal, and even more (imagine your comic in a beautifully bound volume with other exquisite creations for the most rarified of connoisseurs!)… then keep in mind: Doge and MS Paint won't cut it. We may be willing to consider memes of exceptional dankness, but you had better really impress us. Also, if da Vinci can give all his paintings a name, we ask that you give your comic a name to be remembered for the ages.
- And… do we even have to say it? If you wouldn't see it on your grandma's Facebook feed, don't draw it. Because your grandma does not tolerate profanity, hate speech, or extremism. Nor does she partake in any pornography, hentai, #etcetcetc whatsoever.
- Even more obvious: don't plagiarize. That's not interesting for anyone. At all.
Technical requirements
- Flattened (single-layer) high-resolution image measuring 220×320 mm @ 300 dpi + lightweight preview.
- Format: JPEG/PNG.
- In some cases, the jury may ask you to provide the source materials (with layers).
- Since we plan to publish the best works, we will be delighted if your comic gracefully contorts itself to the confines of А4 format.
Our lawyers said that you should probably check out the legal fine print.**
So what will happen?
- The creators of 10 best works will get free tickets to attend PHDays 8, which will be held on May 15-16, 2018.
- Three winners will be announced at our ceremony on May 16. The prizes are going to be fabulous—we'll make it worth your while, let’s put it that way.
There will also be a Popular Choice prize. If you're interested, check out our Facebook and Twitter pages and keep an eye out for the latest news.
If you're not asking who the judges are, good, because we're not telling (yet).
Send your comics by May 10 to comics@phdays.com.
Good luck and may the drawing begin!
Questions? We'll be happy to help you out: comics@phdays.com.
* Rules about intellectual property and copyright use notwithstanding; see the legal verbiage below.** You must agree with all of the contest rules in order to participate; these rules include but are not limited to the "Legal verbiage" below. By sending materials to comics@phdays.com, you confirm that you are familiar with the contest rules and fully accept them as binding.Legal verbiage:– The participant certifies that all materials submitted to comics@phdays.com for the contest (the Materials) have been created by the sole efforts of the participant, and no part of the materials or likenesses contained therein is the property of any other person or entity.– The participant allows the contest organizer, JSC Positive Technologies (the Organizer), to use the Materials provided by the participant free of charge in any way the Organizer may choose, including:– Posting the Materials online at phdays.com as part of contest-related news;– Publicly displaying the Materials at or around the Positive Hack Days forum on screen, print, or other media;– Publishing the Materials in a printed compilation of materials submitted by contest winners; the compilation may be published and distributed by the Organizer and/or its designees.– All participants must be 16 years or older.