ESCalation Story online forensics contest to start April 22


Want to test your mettle at investigating cybersecurity incidents? Take part in the ESCalation Story online contest, which will be held in the run-up to Positive Hack Days. The contest will take place via Telegram from April 22 through May 15. Winners will get prizes from the PT Expert Security Center.

The contestants will have to deal with a tricky situation at a small trading company called Much Money. Its CEO recently started thinking hard about security and after attending last year's PHDays decided to hire a cybersecurity expert, Jaxson Hunt (@jaxhunt_bot). Jaxson had always dreamed of catching hackers and wanted a chance to prove himself. But his experience was limited, so when his boss woke him up at night saying someone had hacked into their network, Jaxson was at a loss.

"Ouch... Now I'll have to recall what they taught us in our incident investigation classes. We only have a few servers, what could happen, anyway?" thought poor Jaxson. "Maybe the community will help me investigate? I should get a Telegram account, that's the place to find the real pros. Hopefully I can get the situation sorted out before PHDays, since the boss wanted to send me there this year."

The first person to figure out what exactly happened and who's behind it all will be the winner of our ESCalation Story.

Details will be published soon on the PHDays website. Check our page for news and start getting ready!