Government and Business Resistance to New Cyberthreats The PHDays IV Business Program


The security of critical infrastructures, prospects for investment in information security, the expediency of increasing control over the Internet, recent trends of the area of telecommunications, the security of web applications and remote banking systems, new products of the IS market—these are the main topics of the Positive Hack Days IV forum that will be held on May 21 and 22 this year.

PHDays is an unprecedentedly large event that brings together specialists from both sides of the barricade, theory and practice, professional discussion and fascinating competitions. More than 2,000 specialists from 700 organizations in 18 countries will participate in the forum. The organizer is Positive Technologies.

The largest technological companies will join PHDays as partners of the event: Cisco, EMC, ICL-КME CS, Intel Security, Kaspersky Lab and Mail.Ru are among them. The forum is organized with the informational support of 27 leading business and specialized media companies. Main media partners are the Expert magazine, (a business information portal), the Hacker magazine, the Internet portals and, and the Bankir.Ru news agency.

How to Protect Critical Infrastructure

The round-table discussion "The Security of Critical Infrastructure" will take place on May 21. It will open the forum and give the main tone to the whole event. Participants of the discussion will have to answer two difficult questions. How heavily does humanity depend on the stability of critical infrastructure? How do we protect critical objects and do we do enough?

The speakers of the session are Jean-Luc Molliner (Orange Group), Garald Bandurin (RusHydro), Ahmad Hassan (du Telecom), Jaehyoung Lee (KISA), Boris Simis (Positive Technologies), Boris Makarov (RZD). Among other participants are representatives of the FSB Information Security Center, Home Credit and Finance Bank, ICL-КME CS, IMPACT and Rosseti.

Prospects of IS Startups

The round-table discussion "Prospects for Investment in Information Security in Russia" is organized by Positive Technologies together with the Skolkovo information security cluster. Participants will discuss what role young specialists play in information security and their opportunities for self-fulfillment, investment funds' requirements for startups projects, present and future needs of government, banks and business. The discussion will take place on May 21, 2014. Among the participants are representatives of investment funds and technology parks, governmental bodies, media, as well as businessmen, developers, young entrepreneurs, researchers.

The round-table discussion is not the only activity of the forum business program designed to support new technologies and young specialists. A pitch session, where the startups will present their products, will be held after that. It will allow representatives of business, investment funds and banks to assess the projects' potential. Those who are still considering the possibility to develop their ideas will be able to set up acquaintances and get useful recommendations.

Government and Information Security

A great number of new laws and bills related to "information security" have been adopted over the last two years. This refers to website blocking without a court ruling, ban on foreign hosting for government web resources, restraints on anonymous payments, and forcing bloggers with more than 3,000 readers to register with the national media office. But do these regulations prevent terrorism and criminal activity in the Internet? What influence do government initiatives have on information security? Which of them are insufficient and which excessive?

Considering views of experts in different areas, participants will try to find answers on these questions during the round-table discussion "Government and Information Security" that will be held on May 22. Representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Roskomnadzor, the State Duma, who lobby for new laws regarding the Internet, will take part in the discussion. On the other hand, these laws will hit at the interests of certain industries: representatives of the mass media and Internet business will attend the round table and express their point of view as well. Hackers will also have their word: only they know where the boundaries of information security really are.

The PHDays IV business program includes the following specialized sections:

  • "Telecoms: From SS7 to Billing" considers the latest tendencies in the security of the telecommunications sector, the need for loss prevention and anti-fraud systems and VAS/MSS implementation. Among the participants are leading experts and heads of IS departments of Megafon, VimpelCom, Vodafone India, Orange, du Telecom, Positive Technologies.
  • "Security Management and Risk Management". Participants will discuss the relationship between information security risks and operating risks of large companies. Business leaders and heads of risk management departments of VTB Bank, Lukoil Inform, VimpelCom, Yota will appear in the section.
  • "AppSec: From Mail to Government Services". This section considers the security of applications including remote banking systems. Representatives of the Bank of Russia, Yandex.Money, Emirates, Financial Technologies, Mail.Ru and Positive Technologies are invited.
  • "IS Market: New Products, Questions, Answers". Major players in the market will demonstrate their products and solutions that are to determine the further development of the market in the near future. Among the speakers are experts from Cisco, Intel Security, Positive Technologies, Kaspersky Lab, ICL-КME CS.

More than 100 various events will take place at PHDays IV. For more information about reports and sections please visit