Hack Battle at PHDays: Fight to become the fastest hacker


PHDays 9 will again have the Hack Battle contest. This year, it's organized by SPbCTF, an open independent community from St. Petersburg, Russia.

Hack Battle will take the form of a knockout tournament. For two days, adrenaline junkies will fight in groups of three. In the course of 10–15 minutes they need to solve CTF-style tasks. The topics can be web, reverse, forensics & stegano, pwn, coding, and crypto. The winner in a round is the one who completes the task before the others do. A contestant must win five battles to become the Hack Battle winner.

Spectators will be watching the hackers, and SPbCTF experts will be commenting the actions. Spectators may still solve tasks along with the battlers. If one of the contestants misses his or her turn, spectators get the chance to participate in the next round.

We welcome everyone to have some fun and test their skills. To reserve a time slot, register at hackbattle.spbctf.ru before 5 p.m. (Moscow time) of May 17. The number of participants is limited to 108. If there are more potential contestants, on May 18 at 6 p.m. the organizers will hold an elimination round (at spbctf.ru as well). Stay tuned for more news.

The contest has three prize-winning places, winners will receive valuable prizes and invites for the next PHDays. Find more details on the contest web page.