In 2012, Positive Hack Days will grow twice bigger


Positive Hack Days, which took place in 2011, became a center of undivided attention of IT specialists and drew a wide response of the IT community. The organizers have already been receiving requests for participation in the next PHD, so, to handle all the requests, Positive Hack Days 2012 will grow twice bigger.

The program will consist of two major parts: a conference and a contest. The conference will involve discussions and round tables meant to bridge business and hacker worlds, as well as practical seminars designed for technical specialists, and master classes conducted by recognized international experts.

Similar to the program of 2011, the contest part will be comprised of the CTF contests and a wide selection of various competitions on practical information security for all comers. The CTF contest will also be divided into several parts that include an old-school CTF, online contests and an innovation. The details are kept in secret so far and will be posted later on the PHD official site.

Meanwhile, the PHD program is being intensively elaborating. Follow the news and the updates at the site.