New additions to PHDays competitions: More theory and practice

The competitive program of Positive Hack Days 9 promises to be packed. In addition to the traditional contests, there will be applied security competitions of various difficulty held in a workshop format. This means that during a couple hours contestants will acquire basic knowledge of some aspect and will immediately use that knowledge.
Network Village
Over the course of two days the security experts at the Network Village test bed will speak about network fuzzing, SSL pinning, MITM attacks, attacks against web applications and USB devices, and many other topics. Contestants will learn about attack types and scenarios, and will put the new knowledge to use in the E&E Exploit Express contest. The purpose of the contest is to go through several vulnerable services and collect flags. The participant who gets all the flags first becomes the winner. The services will be available through a Wi-Fi router. The contest is open for anyone interested in networks, the knowledge level is irrelevant, just bring your laptop.
AI Track
Nowadays artificial intelligence is used not only for protection against attacks, but also for attacking. At the AI Track test bed, famous experts in machine learning will give technical presentations on various aspects of using AI in security. The presentations might be of interest to security specialists, as well as to ML engineers who care about security.
Also, throughout the two days a CTF contest will be held. The tasks will be related to the use of ML models. All participants are welcome. The link will be posted before the start of PHDays.
Payment Village
At the Payment Village test bed, you can practice attacking banking systems. Experts in banking systems security will explain how various banking devices work, what vulnerabilities they have, and will share interesting cases from security analysis projects. In a special demo area they will demonstrate scenarios of attacks on ATMs and POS terminals.
After learning the theory, Payment Village contestants will try hacking an ATM. All visitors are welcome to try.
More details on contests and prizes will be published in April. Check our page for news and get ready for exciting action!