New contests at PHDays


Many say contests are the most exciting part of Positive Hack Days. And this year we have some all-new additions awaiting.

Come to the Fizpribor stand to engage in H@rd Logic Combat. If you're tired of tin soldiers and toy trains, pit yourself against the solutions used for field-level automation and and safety instrumented systems for state-of-the-art Russian industrial control systems in nuclear energy.

Over the course of two days, participants will try their hardest against ALTLinux and QNX components, as well as algorithmic modules based on hard logic. Participants must register in advance by writing to Please note that participation is at the full discretion of the organizers. The winners can look forward to an iPad, electric scooters, and other prizes.

All are welcome to take part in EtherHack, a new online contest. Find and exploit vulnerabilities in smart contracts in the Ethereum blockchain. The more tasks you complete, the more points you get—so score big to win.

The smart contracts will be on the Ropsten testnet. Participants will need an Ethereum local client or browser extension (MetaMask). First place will be recognized with ether (valued at $1,000); the second-place winner will get a Ledger Nano S cryptocurrency hardware wallet and third place will come with mementos from the organizers.

Don't wait until the forum to get hacking! In the weeks leading up to PHDays 8, we will be holding two online contests: HackQuest and Competitive Intelligence. Nifty gifts and free PHDays invites await the winners. Register for PHDays and purchase tickets here. A ticket for two days costs RUB 14,400; one day costs RUB 9,600.