Once Upon a Time in Vladivostok, or PHDays 2012


For May 30 and 31, the city of students, which is a common nickname of Vladivostok, turned into one of the biggest regional platforms of Positive Hack Days 2012, an international forum on information security. The Far-Eastern "Congress of Hackers" took place in Far-Eastern Federal University (FEFU) as a part of PHDays Everywhere, an initiative that gathered dozens of universities and hackspaces from various countries.

The huge part of organizational work at the IT forum in the Soviet San Francisco was shouldered by undergraduate and postgraduate students of the FEFU School of Natural Science.

The total winner of Vladivostok Positive Hack Days was Luckers team. The second place was taken by the future IT specialists of the GrayCap team. They were followed by the team of Automated Systems of Information Processing and Management.

On June 7, Sergey Gordeychik, CTO of Positive Technologies, over to Vladivostok to congratulate the teams and present the prises. As a personal pleasant bonus, according to the official site of FEFU, Sergey gave a small lecture Gaps in Information Security, which was attended not only by FEFU students, but future IT specialists from other universities in the city.

Besides, CTO of Positive Technologies announced that FEFU had joined the Positive Education program initiated by Positive Technologies. "We have launched this program to help universities and offer them new educational methods aimed at training really good IT professionals, which are so sought-after on the today's market. FEFU students, as well as those from other 14 universities participating in the program, will enjoy the education for free," noted Sergey.

Sergey Kultyshev, a postgraduate student of the School of Natural Sciences and one of the most active organizers pf the "Congress of Hackers", shared a small secret: "Together with our new partner, Positive Technologies, we plan to organize a week of information technologies here, in FEFU, in 2013, to gather hackers and IT specialists from all the Asia-Pacific region, thus taking the event to a new level".