Only Two Weeks Left to Apply for PHDays Young School


Due to popular demand we have decided to extend the application deadline for the information security competition of young scientists. Applications for participation in PHDays IV Young School will now be accepted until March 1, 2014 (23:59 UTC).

This the third year for Young School, but the first time, scientists from outside Russia are invited to participate – making it truly an international contest. The competition is designed for students, postgraduates, and young scientists who conducted studies based on various topics. This year’s topics of interest include:

  • Hackers' new targets: from audio baby monitors and pacemakers through to nuclear power plants
  • Privacy and trade secrets protection in the days of PRISM, Snowden and Assange
  • Computer forensics against targeted APT attacks and cyber spying
  • Fresh approach to intrusion detection and prevention
  • Methods of struggle against DDoS attacks
  • ERP systems and business applications security
  • Business data protection (BYOD, MDM, DLP)
  • Counteracting attacks against web applications
  • Protecting virtual corporate and private clouds
  • Applied cryptography
  • Security of government information systems and E-government
  • Techniques and tools for physical security
  • Protection of ICS/SCADA: securing industrial systems and modern cities

Finalists will be invited to present their reports at Positive Hack Days IV. The forum's organizers will cover flight costs and help to find accommodations for authors of selected works.

Take the opportunity to tell the world about your research and join the competition!

Please be sure to read the participation rules and send your application to by March 1, 2014.