Our contribution to the cyber security of Japan


NHK (Japan broadcasting corporation), one of the largest TV companies in the world, has published an explicit article about the Positive Hack Days forum opening on May 30, 2012.

The author of the article points out the lack of information security specialists and necessity of ethical hackers in Japan. Participation of local students in such contests as PHDays 2012 Capture the Flag is specified as a way out of Japanese cyber security crisis.

It is worth noting that a team from the Land of the Rising Sun named Tachikoma is participating in the CTF. It is formed from the students of such Japanese universities as University of Tokyo, Tokyo Denki University, Tokyo University of Technology and University of Aizu.

The team was created in 2012. The first appearance of this newbie team will be at offline-type CTF at PHDays 2012.

It has earlier become known that PHDays CTF is in the list of the most popular and respectful CTFs in the world. Its winners are automatically included in the Defcon CTF final. http://defcon.org/html/defcon-20/dc-20-ctf.html.

P.S. By the way, participation in the Blow Up the Town competition until May 25th still provides an opportunity to gain a ticket to PHDays.