PHD CTF Quals opens up a team registration for the information security contests


December, 10-11 will see the PHD CTF Quals contest on information security organized by Russian developer company Positive Technologies. The PHD CTF Quals contest is a qualification competition for the international PHD CTF contest that will take place on May 30-31, 2012.

The qualification competition is open for everyone. The requirements list a preliminary registration, a team of 5 contestants and a full observation of the rules.

PHD CTF Quals will contest participants' skills of information security assessment, vulnerability search and exploitation, reverse engineering and hacking in general. It is notable that vulnerabilities used for the contest are not made-up but taken from the real life. Thus, participants will have an unrivaled chance to try themselves as real hackers.

Teams will have a chance to exploit myriads of real vulnerabilities and to try their hands at solving little information security tasks. The maximum total score is 100. Participants scoring more than 100 will be awarded with traditional special prizes from the Positive Technologies company.

The PHD CTF Quals results will decide the winning teams that will take part in the international PHD CTF contests that are held on May 30-31, Moscow, as part of Positive Hack Days (PHD) II, an international information security forum.

PHD CTF Quals will be immediately followed by PHD CTF Afterparty 2011 where anyone will be able to solve available tasks according to the same rules. The CTF Afterparty 2011 contest will take place on December 12-25; winners will be awarded with prizes and certificates. The top participants will be invited to the PHD forum as competition contestants.

In 2011, the international PHD CTF hosted 10 teams from Russia, India and various European countries. The main prize went to PPP, a team from Pittsburg, USA. The second and third places were taken by Russian teams Leet More and HackerDom. All participants received valuable prizes and presents, while the winners were also awarded with $135,000, 80,000 and 50,000 USD respectively.