PHDays VI Young School Call for Papers


PHDays Young School has become something of a tradition at the annual PHDays forum. Now in its fifth year, Young School provides an amazing opportunity for would-be security experts to share their research with some of the world's leading security experts. This year, Young School has been changed from a single contest to a full section within the PHDays program.

Applications to participate are invited from students, postgraduates, and young scientists engaged in infosec studies.

The primary research topic remains the same – practical security:

  • Hackers' new targets. Internet of Things: refrigerator botnets, smart bracelets, and remote car control
  • Computer forensics focused on targeted APT attacks and cyber spying
  • Attacks on payment and online banking systems; payWave, PayPass, and Apple Pay security
  • Running a security operations center: cases, methods, and tools
  • Ways to counteract DDoS attacks
  • ERP system and business application security. Counteracting attacks against web applications
  • New vectors and techniques of attacks on mobile devices
  • Protection of cloud computing. Security of government information systems and E-government
  • Applied cryptography
  • Techniques and tools for physical security
  • Protection of ICS/SCADA. Securing industrial systems and modern cities
  • Zero-day vulnerabilities and new exploit deliveries
  • Insecure secure development. SSDL and vulnerabilities in infosec solutions

Authors should demonstrate the practical value of their research; the research methods should be described and substantiated. We do not accept papers that include ideas only (even if they are genius) without research results.

Authors of the best papers will get to share their findings with hackers and security specialists at Positive Hack Days VI, an information security forum held in Moscow, May 17 and 18, 2016. Authors will be reimbursed for all travel and accommodation expenses; co-authors will receive tickets to the forum.


This year, you need only to provide some key talking points in English or Russian. However, our review board should have access to the full research (see details in submission rules). The review board consists of infosec experts from the academic sector.

You are welcome to consult with the Young School organizers prior to submitting your proposals. For any queries, please contact Andrew Petukhov (

PHDays Young School made its debut in 2012. Participants from universities in Krasnoyarsk, Moscow, Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg, and Taganrog were the finalists that year. Young School has grown to be truly international since then — last year finalists included those from Germany, Russia, Romania, and the USA.

To take advantage of this great opportunity to participate in Positive Hack Days VI please send your application to The closing date is April 1, 2016.