PHDays VII Young School: Applications Now Accepted


We're excited to announce PHDays VII Young School! Undergrads, graduate students, and independent young researchers in all areas of information security are invited to take part. Last year, the Young School format pivoted from peer competition to presenting ideas, and this year we've made more changes: young researchers will have even more options for sharing their work.

As before, we will have the research track for applied security topics. There should be experimental proof of practical value; criteria for novelty and relevance should also be met. For topics that are accepted, one author will be invited to give a talk at the forum with reimbursement from the organizers for travel and accommodation. Coauthors will receive forum passes, without reimbursement of their expenses.

Researchers are also welcome to apply to present Spring Hack Tricks: in these five-minute lightning talks, you can describe a trick and/or tools that help you in your work, bug bounty, or CTF contests. The main criteria are real-world relevance and originality. If your proposal is accepted, you will receive a forum pass and the opportunity to share your idea with the community.

Another way to present at the forum is to write an in-depth review article comparing two or more information security products of the same class. This is an all-new format for Young School, so the organizers are going all-out to make it happen: they will help with preparing an outline of the review and give feedback to improve the quality of the work. Authors of accepted works will be invited to the forum with reimbursement for travel and accommodation, and will be able to present the results of their work at the forum.

How to apply

Apply by sending your application to Rules and application requirements are posted at

Prospective applicants are invited to contact the organizers before applying. In case of questions regarding research topics, results, how to present information, etc., contact

Application deadlines:

January 15 for review work (the work itself must be completed by April 1)

April 1 for Young School research track

April 15 for Spring Hack Tricks