PHDays Young School Finalists Decided


Got tired of waiting for new Brins and Kasperskys in Russia? Frankly speaking, we did. To find out the state of academic IT-security science in Russia, we "put out a bulletin" for young scientists who make researches in this field. The competition started a couple of months before the PHDays. This week, the finalists have been decided.

The program committee of the competition, which was composed of representatives of leading IT companies (Microsoft, Yandex, etc.), educational and scientific institutions (MSU, MEPI, SPIIRAS) and core publications (Hacker Magazine), considered 19 applications and selected 7 most interesting reports. The finals of PHDays Young School will host youngsters from educational institutions of Moscow, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Saint Petersburg and Taganrog, who will compete for the main prize on May 31.

The primary goal of the competition is to give a chance to young scientists to let themselves known. The finalists will personally present results of their research before mainstream audience of experts, leading Russian and international specialists in information security. We hope sincerely that for the young scientists, their presentations at PHDays Young School will be a major step towards their success and that this experience will help them in their future scientific work.

The competition took place owing to Andrey Petukhov's determination and enthusiasm. This man shouldered the uneasy task of organizing PHDays Young School. A special thanks to the committee members, namely:

So, we are waiting for you at PHDays 2012, on May 31 where the finals of PHDays Young School will take its place. Don't miss the chance to see the future being born!