Positive Hack Days 9 to be held May 21–22 at Crocus Expo

The dates of the ninth Positive Hack Days are now out: next year's forum will take place at an all-new venue, the Crocus Expo International Exhibition Center, on May 21–22, 2019.
More visitors are coming to PHDays every year: in 2018, over 5,000 people were in attendance. Crocus Expo offers more space than the World Trade Center Moscow, which will enable hosting an even larger number of guests and speakers.
Preparations have already started for the event program, The Standoff, and competition infrastructure. The agenda will include several tracks addressing security research, technology-related risks for businesses and governments, and other topics. A new point of emphasis will be the impact of information security on the lives of ordinary people.
In addition, effort will be made at PHDays 9 to reach out beyond security practitioners to include developers and IT professionals. A number of talks and workshops will attempt to bridge the gap between the IT and infosec worlds.
Timing of the Call for Papers has been announced: proposals from interested speakers will be accepted from January 14 to March 14, 2019. Tickets for PHDays will go on sale in December.
As in past years, PHDays promises to excite with its competitions, in which participants demonstrate threats potentially facing critical infrastructure, banking and government systems, blockchain, the Internet of Things, and more.
Spring is still over six months away, so in the meantime we encourage you to enjoy the highlights from PHDays 8, recordings of which you can watch online.