Positive Hack Days III On The Way! Call For Papers Announced


Please attention! It has been finally decided to hold Positive Hack Days III. Positive Technologies, the permanent organizer of the event, has already started preparing for the third international forum on practical information security.

The forum will take place in Moscow on May 22-23, 2013. The rules remain the same: maximum experience, minimum ceremonies, no advertising materials or dull promotion.

Call For Papers

The guests of PHDays III - will see a lot of round tables, contests, competitions, workshops, hands-on labs, and surely many reports presented by information security specialists from all over the world. You can be among the reporters.

There are no strict restrictions: anyone from a novice to a recognized expert in information security can apply for participation. Our goal is to facilitate animated, informal communication between all representatives of the information security industry. The main requirements are an interesting topic concerning information security, novelty and urgency of the issues under consideration, professionalism and competence.

If you want to share your experience, research results or demonstrate your skills, then we will be waiting for you in Moscow at the end of May 2013. Without you the forum will fell through!

Hurry up — the first stage when you can submit your application is from October 29, 2012 to January 27, 2013.

It is worth reminding that in 2012 the forum brought together 1,500 specialists from all over the world. More than 50 reports, workshops, seminars, and round tables took place there. Legendary Bruce Schneier, Datuk Mohd Noor Amin, the chairman of IMPACT, Alexander (Solar Designer) Peslyak, Travis Goodspeed, and Alexander Gostev were among the speakers.

Any details about the formats and participation rules, the most interesting topics for reports, instructions for call for papers are available here