Rules of the Hack2Own Competition at PHDays 2012


In 2011 the of Hack2Own winners were Nikita Tarakanov and Alexander Bazhanyuk, representatives of the CISSRT team, who demonstrated 0day vulnerability (CVE-2011-0222) in the latest version of Safari (Internet browser) for Windows and took the first prize, namely, a laptop and 50,000 rubles. This year the budget of the competition has been significantly increased up to 20,000 $. The winners will have enough money to fill the new cases with :)

This competition is divided into three categories: exploitation of web browser vulnerabilities, exploitation of kernel vulnerabilities, and exploitation of vulnerabilities in mobile devices. Detailed rules of participation are under the cut.

Attention! A laptop is required to participate in the competition.

Why do we need it? We just want to make this world securer. We strive for promoting ideas of responsible disclosure of vulnerabilities. That is why the competition has an important condition: a participant who detected a vulnerability should inform the software vendor within 6 months from the moment of its detection.

Details on the Hack2own competition are available here.