The PHDays VI Business Program: Honest Discussion of Difficult Issues


Can we protect enterprises and transportation systems from threats of the forth industrial revolution also known as Industry 4.0? Will the cybersecurity market employ a service model? Is it time to get rid of antiviruses and IDS? Will SIEM become a solution to all problems? How to detect an insider?

These and other topics are included in the business program of the international forum on practical security Positive Hack Days VI that takes place on May 17-18 in Moscow. This year there will be over 4,000 participants from more than 700 organizations from 20 countries. Most of them are chief executives, government representatives, IT SEO, and heads of large international corporations.

Day 1

What are the key information security problems for business? What solutions can vendors put on the table to counteract them? What role should the government play in this process? These and other questions will be raised during the discussion "Face to Face: The Arbiters of Security" that will be held in the Amphitheater Hall between 11:00 and 12:00. Among the participants are government representatives, CISO, CIO, and developers.

Between 13:00 and 14:00 the same stage will be occupied by white hats. During the section "Why We Hack: The Truth" they will estimate the value of their work and discuss how to efficiently attract new researchers (bounty programs, outsourcing, development of an IS department). The speakers will also try to describe an image of a future IS researcher. The moderator is Boris Simis, Business Development Director at Positive Technologies.

At the same time Hall A will be occupied by bloggers and journalists that write about cybersecurity. Should security incidents be covered by media? If so, how to raise the quality bar of news coverage? Are there any independent IS media? Is there a chance for IS-related long reads in Russia? How to make an effective protection tool out of media coverage of cybersecurity issues? The section "The Press on Information Security: TS or Breaking News?" will be moderated by the Positive Technologies representatives — Alexey Kachalin, Director of Expert Security Center, and Yuliya Sorokina, PR Manager.

Between 14:00 and 15:00 the audience may choose between

• Jason Shirk talking about Microsoft Bounty programs and 100,000 dollars worth vulnerabilities (Amphitheatre Hall)

• Vladimir Ivanov and Sergey Gordeychik with one of the most anticipated talks of the day "Targeted Attacks: Be the First to Aim" (Seliger Hall). The experts will discuss the effectiveness of existing protection approaches, methods of bypassing a sandbox, and whether IDS and AV are obsolete.

The evening will start with the section "Another Round of the Standoff: IS Services as a Response to New Threats and Challenges" (16:00 - 18:00). The experts from Positive Technologies, Kaspersky Lab, and Jet Infosystems will discuss whether clients are ready to buy IS services, focus on the advantages and disadvantages of the new services against the out-of-the-box solutions, and touch on preparation of specialists that provide such services.

Between 17:00 and 18:00 in Hall A there will be the audience favorite Lightning Talk. Within 5 minutes limit, anyone can share their ideas and tell about their current project, a new vulnerability or a problem in security algorithms, a new concept for a security analysis tool or a large-scale study. The main goal is finding people who think the same. Lightning Talk will be moderated by Andrey Petukhov from the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Lomonosov Moscow State University and Evgeny Minkovsky, Head of Educational Programs at Positive Technologies.

Day 2

Before iPhone, Nokia and Motorola occupied half of the mobile phone market. Before Google, the most popular search engines were MSN, Lycos, Excite, and Yahoo. Will a new IS technology appear to send the current industry leaders into oblivion? Find out more on May 18 in the section "Defense and Offense Technologies in 2016: Which Side will Make a Breakthrough?" Timur Yunusov, Dmitry Kurbatov, and other security experts will share their opinions with the audience in the Amphitheatre Hall between 10:00 and 11:00.

At 11:00 starts the two-hour section "Industrial System Security: It's Time to Take Action” moderated by Ivan Melekhin. It is well proved by notorious incidents that cyber threats to industrial systems are as relevant as ever. Facilitated by Industry 4.0, integration with industrial processes makes cyber systems more vulnerable and exposed to attacks. Our guests from leading manufacturing companies and automated information system developers will share their experience while discussing industrial system security.

At 12:00 the Amphitheater will be occupied by Jan Neutze, Director of Cybersecurity Policy at Microsoft Europe. We would like to draw your attention to his talk "From Cyber Offense to Cyber Arms Control: Developing Cybersecurity Norms".

At 13:00 begins the section "IT Round" (Amphitheater Hall). It will be competing for the audience attention with the talk "Real and Formal Security: Born to Be Together" by Mikhail Emelyannikov that starts at the same time in the Press Hall. Technical security, i.e. vulnerability analysis, penetration tests, implementation of safety tools, is often considered as real, practical security as opposed to formal security. The speaker will show that these two types of security complement each other and it is impossible to solve actual security problems by using only one of them.

At 14:00 there will be a section dedicated to proactive education methods in the cybersecurity industry. How are IS stars born and can we speed up their appearance? What new specialties are to expect in 5 years from now? The talk will be dedicated to modern education methodologies for cybersecurity specialists and ways to discover new talents, as well as educational programs that would make anyone fall in love with information security.

At 15:00 starts the two-hour discussion "SIEM, or Not SIEM: That is the Question" moderated by Alexey Lukatsky (Seliger Hall). What tasks can be solved by a SIEM system and what does it actually do? Is there a future for this type of systems? What is the real state of things in the SIEM segment both in Russia and abroad? What difficulties are surrounding SIEM employment? Let the community know your opinion.

Two talks will take place in Hall A. Sergii Kavun will discuss how to detect insiders' activity within a company (15:00 - 16:00). Valery Schepak will talk about the security of various enterprises, shops, restaurants, offices, banks, and cottages in his report "An Attack against a Surveillance Panel" (16:00 - 17:00).

At 17:00 the forum guests will have to make a difficult choice between Andrey Masalovich in Hall A and Alfonso de Gregorio in the Seliger Hall. The first speaker will talk on how information attacks are developed, how to detect them at an early stage, and how to resist them. The second talk is about the vulnerability supply chain, its participants, and ethical questions that arise in the business.

You can find the forum schedule on the official site:

The main credo of Positive Hack Days is less ads and more applicable knowledge in talks and sessions, informal communication between "black suites" and "T-shirts", exciting contests and electrifying atmosphere of the research playground. The organizer is Positive Technologies.

Our partners: Kaspersky Lab, Axoft, CROC, Cisco, Check Point, InfoTeCS, IBS, Qlik, ANGARA, MONT, NAG, and ICL.