Tickets for PHDays 8 already on sale


Good news! PHDays tickets are available right now.

The Early Birds discount is on offer until December 31: the price of two-day participation in the forum is RUB 7,337. Starting from January 1, two days will cost RUB 9,600 (RUB 11,400 if lunch is included on one day, RUB 13,200 if lunch is included on both days) while the price per day will go up to RUB 7,337 (RUB 9,137 if lunch is included). The number of tickets is limited. Don't miss your chance to benefit from the discount until all tickets have been sold out as a New Year gift :)

For all those who do not look for easy ways: please be reminded that it is possible to take part in the forum for free. To obtain an invitation, please prepare a bright IS research, or win a special hacker contest, or join one of The Standoff teams. More details are coming up soon. Watch out for updates!

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