Tickets for PHDays VI are now available


Tickets for the international forum on information security Positive Hack Days VI are available for purchase from December 17. We are keeping last year’s prices till mid-January. A two-day ticket costs 7,337 rubles before January 30.

You can register and buy ticket on the RUNET-ID Registration page. From January 31, the price will raise: a ticket for two days will cost 9,600 rubles, and 7,337 rubles for a one-day pass.

From March 1, the cost will raise to 14,400 for two days and 9,600 rubles per day.

Other ways to participate in PHDays

There are several other ways to join PHDays VI. You can present a report on information security. The first stage of Call for Papers lasts till January 30. The review board considers applications not only from acknowledged information security experts, but also from newcomers. Before you apply, please, consider the forum's concept, topics, and previous presentations.

You can also get an invitation by proving yourself in one of the hacking contests. Moreover, anyone can organize his own PHDays forum in his town: check out PHDays Everywhere registration terms.

4,000 hackers, information security specialists, IT vendors, researchers, government representatives and internet privacy defenders are expected to gather at PHDays VI on May 17 and 18, 2016. The event will take place at the Moscow World Trade Center (Krasnopresnenskaya naberezhnaya, 12).

Buy tickets at:

More information about PHDays IV: