Two new contests at PHDays: bypassing an IDS and hacking a plant


As we said before, at PHDays 9 participants can test their strength in various applied security workshops. But this is not yet the full extent of the contests. Two new contests—Industrial Ninja and IDS Bypass—were recently added to the list.

Industrial Ninja is an opportunity to try some industrial ninjutsu and work out the Big Bang theory. Throughout the event, any participant can try hacking a gas pumping facility. The contest will have three test beds modeling real-life industrial processes. The scenario is that a highly pressurized (over 100,000 Pa) lethal airborne pesticide (in reality, just air) is pumped into an elastic container (a balloon).

Each test bed has a different difficulty level reflecting its degree of security: Novice, Veteran, and Ninja. Participants need to figure out the process, seize control of the facility, and cause an accident. The contest will take place over both days of the forum and all are welcome to take part. Those who can seize control of the process and cause an accident at the plant will get prizes from the organizers. The first prize will be a Proxmark3 RDV2.

Those who are more interested in bypassing protection systems are welcome to join the IDS Bypass contest. Contestants need to hack five vulnerable hosts and get their flags, while remaining unnoticed by the intrusion detection system. All participants, regardless of knowledge level, are welcome. The vulnerabilities will be well-known ones, so participants will only need to focus on bypassing the IDS. You can brush up on your theory at Network Village where security experts from Positive Technologies and the DC7831 and DC2e06 communities will make presentations on various topics, including IDS bypassing. Participants need a laptop with Wi-Fi and Ethernet adapter. First prize is a WiFi Pineapple TETRA, second prize is a WiFi Pineapple NANO, and third prize is a Shodan account.

Detailed participation terms and the whole PHDays agenda will be published soon on the PHDays website. Stay tuned!