Want to Join PHDays IV CTF? Take Part in CTF Quals!


PHDays IV is coming! Tickets for the forum are available, Call for Papers is in progress, acceptance of reports for the Young School competition has started.

And don’t forget CFT! The finals of our CTF international information security contest take place at the PHDays IV forum on May 21 and 22, 2014, and the road to the finals starts with CTF Quals.

Participation Rules

PHDays CTF Quals will be held on January 25 and 26, 2014. Teams that demonstrate the best results will advance to the finals to compete against the female team SecurityFirst from Soonchunhyang University of Asan, South Korea, which won the CTF contest held during Power of Community in Seoul.

Participants of CTF Quals will face various challenges that require a deep knowledge of modern technologies and practical skills to solve. Quals raise the level of difficulty for participants to reach the final and create intrigue, competition and fun.


To add a special appeal to PHDays CTF, the plot develops according to a legend. Participants of Positive Hack Days III were heroes who tried to save the poor people of D’Errorim from horrid monsters. At the end of the game, they realized their efforts were only the first step and from that moment they had to save their own world. The new CTF Quals continue this plotline.


Last year, 493 teams from more than 30 countries fought each other, and 154 teams solved at least one task. With PHDays technical specialists inventing challenges the world has not yet seen, the approaching battle promises to be even harder.

Participants face a unique infrastructure, fascinating legend, uncommon tasks and extreme difficulty, all combining to create an unforgettable experience. CTF finalists have an opportunity to compete with the best hackers from every corner of the world.


To plunge into the hacking contests of CTF Quals, you just need to build a team and register. So do it!

P. S. Check out the movie we made about preparing for and holding the PHDays III event and hacking competitions. It contains interviews with the CTF winners: Eindbazen from the Netherlands (1st place) and PPP from the USA (2nd place) and one of its members, a well-known hacker, George Hotz (geohot).

(CTF content starts at 29:00, but watch the whole thing ‘cause it rocks!)