Testing the security of the virtual state: The Standoff returns on November 9–10, 2021


This fall, a major cyberbattle will erupt at Moscow's VDNKh Exhibition Center. If the black-hat hackers win the two-day clash, the entire state of F will be plunged into chaos. The bravest companies in industry, retail, and finance will test the robustness of their systems. Our task is to protect the virtual state and learn how to thwart attacks in real life. The world's largest cybertraining, featuring an expanded business and technical program, will be held in hybrid format.

Now The Standoff is more than a virtual city—it is a whole country, where we will simulate the technological and business processes of real companies from steel and chemical industries, energy, transport and logistics, and municipal services. There, organizations can test their in-house systems: analyze the level of security, trace typical cyberattack chains, correctly verify unacceptable events and their consequences, and assess potential damage.

In 2020, held separately from the Positive Hack Days Forum, the world's largest open cyberbattle moved up a gear. The event was watched live on air by 20,000 captivated viewers.

The defending and attacking teams comprise experts from real companies and independent security researchers from across the globe. The Standoff will present an opportunity for them to hone their skills and, in just a few days, gain unique cyberconfrontation experience. In ordinary life, this would take years.

The Standoff is not only a thrilling and dynamic cyberbattle, but also a platform for dialog about information security. It is here that world-renowned experts, including professionals from Cyber R&D Lab, Hack In The Box, Positive Technologies, and other international companies, pool their vast knowhow. We consider and debate how the cybersecurity industry will evolve. And if that wasn't exciting enough, we also hold contests for participants.

The dramatic rise in the number of cyberthreats in Russia and worldwide requires new security solutions. Together with leading infosec experts, we will take a no-nonsense, no-preaching look at the latest cybersecurity challenges and protection methods. We will talk about pressing business problems, develop the important dialog with the government on import substitution, discuss prospects for investing in cybersecurity, and explain how rising cybercrime affects the investment appeal of the industry.

See you at The Standoff!